Saint-Cloud Hospital | Centre Hospitalier des Quatre Villes
Technical sheet

Saint-Cloud Hospital | Centre Hospitalier des Quatre Villes


A Sophisticated Machine in the Heart of the Village of Saint-Cloud

On the high hills of Saint-Cloud, in direct contact with the town center, set into a slope and surrounded by the historical district, the hospital has been rebuilt on its original footprint, defying the tight site conditions century after century.

The listed chapel, framed by buildings from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, is all that remains of the old hospice designed in 1788 by Richard Mique, Marie-Antoinette's architect. . Respectful of this classical heritage, the twenty-first-century architect has avoided overwhelming monumentality and taken on the complexity of a building site within an occupied site.

Light years from the introverted and functional mass of contemporary hospital centers and on the scale of the village of Saint-Cloud, the project re-establishes the balance of the services of the health center.

Starting from a façade rebuilt exactly as it would have been in the early nineteenth century, he deployed a cross, the ideal geometry for circulation of the occupants.

The meeting point of the three branches has become the hospital's new center of gravity thanks to a vertical core of technical services that corrects the lack of connections between the units. With a horizontal walkway, a delicate interplay of positive and negative spaces and a combination of small vertical accents for the buildings on the peripheral streets, he gave natural light its major role. Even going as far as sublimating in the glazed cube of the delivery preparation room. "Set in balance" on the site, it seems to push back the limits of the site to offer a breathtaking view over Paris.


"Gently, the public hospital is becoming competitive and rational. Better yet: it is gaining in humanity without denying its past."

Fiche Technique

Extension and restructuring / Public Operation

Centre Hospitalier des 4 Villes (CH4V)

Construction cost
€ 40 million excluding tax

Net floor area 
23 143 m² Total
7 820 m² New Area
15 323 m² Rehabilitation

2008 – 2016


- Extension: maternity, medically assisted procreation, consultations (22 rooms), dialysis, 28 beds medical hospitalization, 24 beds OB-GYN hospitalization
- Restructuring: obstetrics and cesarean suite, OB-GYN emergencies, neonatology, hall, reception, 77 beds.

Team members

Lead Architect

Engineer and Economist
SNC Lavalin


Fire safety
Casso et Cie

Jean Isaza
Eric Desplanches

Pictures: Anne Claude Barbier, Mathieu Ducros